What Is Auditory Neuropathy and What Can You Do About It?

Devan Patel
3 min readApr 1, 2023


Are you or someone you love experiencing hearing difficulties? It’s possible that you may have auditory neuropathy.

Auditory neuropathy is a condition where sound is not effectively transmitted from the inner ear to the brain, leading to difficulty in hearing or understanding language.

Auditory neuropathy symptoms can vary in severity, and it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional if any difficulty with hearing arises.

This article will examine symptoms, treatments, and management strategies related to auditory neuropathy.

Causes of Auditory Neuropathy

Auditory neuropathy may be caused by two main factors including:

  • Damage to Inner Hair Cells: Inner hair cells are responsible for carrying sound information from the inner ear to the brain. If these cells become damaged (often due to old age or loud noises), it can interrupt sound transmission. This creates hearing impairment.
  • Damaged Auditory Nerve Cells: Auditory nerves connect the inner ear and brain to one another. Damage or faulty connections to these nerves can result in auditory neuropathy. Damaged auditory nerve cells may be a genetic mutation or the result of a traumatic event.

In many cases, a combination of both (or more) factors is present, making auditory neuropathy difficult to diagnose and treat without proper testing.

Symptoms of Auditory Neuropathy?

The symptoms of auditory neuropathy can include mild to severe hearing loss, though in many cases hearing may be normal.

The distinguishing symptom of auditory neuropathy is one’s ability to comprehend spoken language. Impaired speech perception is the most common symptom present with auditory neuropathy, with or without hearing loss.

For example, you may hear sounds just fine but have difficulty understanding what people are saying to you.

In addition, you may find that your hearing fades in or out, or the sounds you hear are out of sync.

Is There Treatment for Auditory Neuropathy?

There are several hearing devices and treatment options available to potentially enhance hearing in people with auditory neuropathy. Although, their benefits are not fully agreed upon by hearing professionals.

Some experts in auditory health may suggest the use of amplification tools, such as listening devices and FM systems, for those with auditory neuropathy.

Cochlear implants, which allow sound to bypass the inner ear and its malfunctioning parts and travel directly to the brain, may also be beneficial for improving hearing loss symptoms.

However, most treatment plans are focused on teaching people with hearing loss more efficient ways to interact and communicate with those in their social circle.

For example, using sign language, lip reading, studying body language, and using other visual interpretations to better communicate with other people.

Auditory Neuropathy: The Bottom Line

Auditory neuropathy can’t be cured, but it can be managed. Those diagnosed with auditory neuropathy should consider a variety of treatment options, including dietary supplements like NeuraZenx.* NeuraZenx utilizes all-natural nutrients to support optimal nerve health and function.*

Dietary supplements may be a beneficial addition to your auditory neuropathy treatment plan. Talk to your doctor today about your hearing health and the best treatment plan for you.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Devan Patel

Devan Patel — Pharmacist and Founder of Zen Nutrients