4 Tips for Preventing Vitamin Deficiency

Devan Patel
2 min readFeb 27, 2023


Nutrient deficiency is a widespread problem in the US that’s not often talked about.

The main cause of nutrient deficiency in the US is improper diet or consuming too many low-nutrient processed foods.

If not addressed, nutrient deficiency can cause serious health problems. Your body needs the right balance of vitamins and minerals to maintain optimal health.

Below are 4 tips to help ensure you get all the vitamins and minerals you need:

1. Eat a Healthy Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet is the best way to make sure that you are getting the necessary vitamins your body needs. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, dairy products, and lean sources of protein will help ensure that you are getting enough of each micronutrient.

Stay away from low-nutrient foods such as fast food and processed grains and sugars.

2. Take Vitamin Supplements

Taking vitamin supplements can be an effective way to make sure you’re getting all your micronutrients. A multivitamin from a reputable source, like Zen Nutrients, ensures you are getting a safe, natural, and potent mix of the most vital nutrients.*

Though diet will always be your best source of nutrients, vitamins can supplement and make up for where your diet may be lacking. Of course, always speak with your doctor before taking vitamin supplements to be sure they are right for you.

3. Avoid Unhealthy Habits

Unhealthy habits like abusing alcohol and smoking cigarettes can lead to vitamin deficiencies. These habits increase inflammation and stress on your body while also lowering the immune system and stripping your body of vital nutrients. If you have a problem with alcohol or cigarettes, speak to your doctor or a medical professional about quitting.

4. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is important for overall well-being, but it can also help lower your risk for various vitamin deficiencies. Exercise helps boost circulation which increases the absorption rate for certain vitamins like Vitamin C and certain B Vitamins — two compounds essential for bone health, immune system function, brain development, energy production, and more.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the potential for vitamin deficiencies and take steps to prevent them.

Eating a balanced diet, supplementing with vitamins and minerals, exercising regularly, and avoiding unhealthy habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking are all effective ways to help ensure that you are getting the nutrients your body needs.

Taking these measures can help you stay healthy and avoid the health problems associated with vitamin deficiencies.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease



Devan Patel

Devan Patel — Pharmacist and Founder of Zen Nutrients